§ 101-6. Site plan application.
Latest version.
An application for site plan approval shall be made to the Planning Board on a Planning Board application form. The application shall be accompanied by one digital set in .pdf format and 12 copies of any plats, plans, maps or graphics and eight copies of any other documents submitted as part of the site plan application. The copies are in addition to the original application and plats, plans, maps, and graphics. All application documents and the required application fee must be submitted to the Planning Board secretary at least 15 days before the next scheduled Planning Board meeting to be on the agenda for that meeting. These documents shall include information drawn from the following checklist of items provided on a drawing certified by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect and/or land surveyor.A.The following features shall be included in any site plan, if applicable:(1)The title of the drawing, including the name and address of the applicant and of person(s) responsible for preparation of such drawing. The name and address of the owner(s) of record, if different from applicant;(2)A North arrow, scale and date;(3)Accurate boundaries of the property plotted to scale;(4)Existing watercourses and the direction of flow;(5)A grading and drainage plan, showing existing and proposed contours with two-foot contour intervals and soils data generally required on that portion of any site proposed for development where general site grades exceed 5% or where there may be susceptibility to erosion, flooding or ponding;(6)The location, proposed use and height of all buildings;(7)The location, design, and construction materials of all parking and loading areas, with access and egress drives thereto;(8)Provision for pedestrian access;(9)The location of outdoor storage, equipment and materials;(10)The location, design and construction materials of all existing or proposed site improvements, including drains, culverts, retaining walls and fences;(11)The location of all present and proposed utility systems, which shall include the following, if applicable:(a)Wastewater systems;(b)Water supply systems;(c)Telephone, cable, and electrical systems;(d)Stormwater drainage systems, including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, endwalls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage swales.(12)The location of fire and other emergency zones, including the location of the nearest water supply for fire emergencies;(13)The location, design and construction materials of all energy distribution facilities, including electrical, gas and solar energy;(14)The location, size and design and construction materials of proposed signage;(15)The location and proposed development of all buffer areas, including indication of existing vegetative cover;(16)The location and design of outdoor lighting, which may include data regarding lighting levels within the property and at the property's boundaries;(17)A floor plan showing the exterior walls of the building areas proposed for retail sales, office use, or similar commercial activity;(18)A general landscaping plan and planting schedule;(19)Curb cut locations to be approved by appropriate agency;(20)A completed Agricultural Data Statement, if required; and(21)A list of all abutting parcels, including names and mailing addresses of all owners of said abutting parcels. For purposes of this chapter, an "abutting parcel" is any parcel whose boundary line touches the parcel that is the subject of the site plan review and any parcel that is immediately across the street from the parcel that is the subject of the site plan review.B.Waiver. The Planning Board, in its discretion, may waive any of the requirements of the preceding subsection, provided that the Board determines that the proposed site plan alterations are so minimal that to require full compliance with the provisions of § 101-6A would be unnecessarily financially burdensome to the applicant and would not advance the purpose of this chapter.
Amended 9-5-2018 by L.L.
No. 2-2018